Seventh Round

اللّهمَّ إنَّ عِنْــدي أفـــواجاً مِن ذُنُــوب


O Allah! I bear crowds of sins

وأفواجاً مِن خَطايا وَعِنْـدَكَ أفْواجٌ مِن رحمة


and crowds of faults, and with thee are crowds of blessing

وأفواجٌ مِن مَغْفِرَة


and crowds of forgiveness.

يا مَن استجابَ لأبغَضِ خَلْقِهِ


O Thou Who granted the request of Thy most hated creatures

إذْ قالَ أنْظرُني إلى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ إسْتَجِب لي


when he said “give me respite until the day they are resurrected,” grant me my request.

اللّهمَّ قَنِّعْني بِما رَزَقْتني وباركْ لي فيما آتيتني


O Allah! Make me content with what you have provided me with, and bless me with what you have given me.

اللّهمَّ إنَّ عِنْــدي أفـــواجاً مِن ذُنُــوب


O Allah! I bear crowds of sins

وأفواجاً مِن خَطايا وَعِنْـدَكَ أفْواجٌ مِن رحمة


and crowds of faults, and with thee are crowds of blessing

وأفواجٌ مِن مَغْفِرَة


and crowds of forgiveness.

يا مَن استجابَ لأبغَضِ خَلْقِهِ


O Thou Who granted the request of Thy most hated creatures

إذْ قالَ أنْظرُني إلى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ إسْتَجِب لي


when he said “give me respite until the day they are resurrected,” grant me my request.

اللّهمَّ قَنِّعْني بِما رَزَقْتني وباركْ لي فيما آتيتني


O Allah! Make me content with what you have provided me with, and bless me with what you have given me.