Salaat At Jamkaran



Imam al-Mahdi [a] said to Hasan b. Mathleh: “Call the people to visit this place and should adore (Allah) by offering four units (rakats) of prayer as follows:



1 Salution Prayer of the Holy Mosque



The first two units (rakats) should be offered with the intention (niyat) of paying one's respects to the mosque and should be offered in the following manner:



In each unit (rakat), after recital of Surah al-Hamd, Surah al-Ikhlas should be recited seven times. Also, during the genuflection (rukoo) and prostration (sujud) the invocation (dhikr) “subahana rabbi al-adhimi wa bihamdih” (Glorified is my Lord, the Cherisher, the Highest with Glory) or “subhana Allah” (Glory be to Allah); and “subhana rabbi al-a'ala wa bihamdih” (Glorified is my Lord the Cherisher, the Highest with Glory) or “subhana Allah” (Glory to Allah), should be repeated seven times respectively.



2 Prayer of the Lord of the Age ( Wali e Asr atfs)



After offering the first two unit (rakats) salutation prayer of the Holy Mosque, another two units with the intention (niyat) of “the prayer of Wali al-Asr [a]” should be recited in the following manner:



In each unit (rakat), whilst reciting Surah al-Hamd, when you reach at the verse: “iyyaka na 'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in” (You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help), repeat it one hundred times (you can count using a rosary) and then finish the rest of Surah al-Hamd. Then recite Surah al-Ikhlas only one time, but during the genuflection (rukoo) and the prostration (sujud), the invocation (dhikr) should be recited seven times (like the Prayer of the Salutation of Mosque).



After completing the prayer, the words “la ilaha illalah” (there is no god but Allah) should be recited once. Later on recite the Tasbih of Sayyida Zahra [a] (the daughter of the Holy Prophet [s]) which is as follows:



Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great): 34 times



Alhamdu lillah (All praise to Allah): 33 times



Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah): 33 times