Fourth Round

يا أللهُ يا وَلِيّ الْعافِيَةِ وَخَالِقَ الْعافِيَةِ


O Allah! The owner of well-being, the creator of well-being,

وَرَازِقَ الْعافِيَةِ وَالْمُنْعِمُ بِالْعافِيَةِ


the bestower of well-being, the granter of well-being,

وَالْمَنّانُ بِالعافِيَةِ والمُتَفَضّلُ بِالْعافِيَةِ


and the conferrer of well-being

عَلَيّ وَعَلى‏ جَمِيعِ خَلْقِكَ ‏يا


on me and on all Thy creatures,

رَحْمنَ الدّنْيا وَالآخِرَةِ وَرَحيْمَهُما


O, Thou the merciful of this world and the hereafter and their compassionate God,

صَلّ عَلى‏ مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّدٍ


Bless Muhammad and his household,

وَارْزُقْنَا الْعافِيَةَ وَتَمامَ الْعافِيَةِ وَشُكْرَ الْعافِيَةِ


and bestow on us well-being, full well-being, and thanks giving on well-being

في الدّنْيا وَالآخِرَةِ ‏ياأرْحَمَ الرّاحِمِيْنَ


in this world and the hereafter, by Thy mercy, O Thou most merciful.

يا أللهُ يا وَلِيّ الْعافِيَةِ وَخَالِقَ الْعافِيَةِ


O Allah! The owner of well-being, the creator of well-being,

وَرَازِقَ الْعافِيَةِ وَالْمُنْعِمُ بِالْعافِيَةِ


the bestower of well-being, the granter of well-being,

وَالْمَنّانُ بِالعافِيَةِ والمُتَفَضّلُ بِالْعافِيَةِ


and the conferrer of well-being

عَلَيّ وَعَلى‏ جَمِيعِ خَلْقِكَ ‏يا


on me and on all Thy creatures,

رَحْمنَ الدّنْيا وَالآخِرَةِ وَرَحيْمَهُما


O, Thou the merciful of this world and the hereafter and their compassionate God,

صَلّ عَلى‏ مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّدٍ


Bless Muhammad and his household,

وَارْزُقْنَا الْعافِيَةَ وَتَمامَ الْعافِيَةِ وَشُكْرَ الْعافِيَةِ


and bestow on us well-being, full well-being, and thanks giving on well-being

في الدّنْيا وَالآخِرَةِ ‏ياأرْحَمَ الرّاحِمِيْنَ


in this world and the hereafter, by Thy mercy, O Thou most merciful.