Dua e Imam e Zamana atfs

اللّهُمّ كُنْ لِوَلِيّكَ الحُجّةِ ابْنِ الحَسَنِ

Allahumma Kum le-waliyyekal Hujjatibnil Hassan

O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of Al­Hassan,

صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آبَائِهِ

Salwaatoka A'layhe wa a'laa Aaabaa-Ehi

Your blessings be on him and his forefathers,

فِي هذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَفي كُلّ سَاعَةٍ

fee haazehis saa-a'te wa fee kulle saa-a'tin

in this hour and in every hour,

وَلِيّاً وَحَافِظاً

waliyyawn wa haafezawn

a guardian, a protector,

وَقَائِداً وَنَاصِراً

wa qaa-edawn wa naaserawn

a leader, a helper,

وَدَلِيلاً وَعَيْناً

wa daleelawn wa a'ynan

a proof, and an eye.

حَتَّى تُسْكِنَهُ أَرْضَكَ طَوْعاً

hattaa tuskenahu arzaka taw-a'n


وَتُمَتّعَهُ فِيهَا طَوِيلاً.

wa tomatte-a'hu feehaa taweelaa.

until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to You),& Cause him to live in it for a long time

اللّهُمّ كُنْ لِوَلِيّكَ الحُجّةِ ابْنِ الحَسَنِ

Allahumma Kum le-waliyyekal Hujjatibnil Hassan

O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of Al­Hassan,

صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آبَائِهِ

Salwaatoka A'layhe wa a'laa Aaabaa-Ehi

Your blessings be on him and his forefathers,

فِي هذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَفي كُلّ سَاعَةٍ

fee haazehis saa-a'te wa fee kulle saa-a'tin

in this hour and in every hour,

وَلِيّاً وَحَافِظاً

waliyyawn wa haafezawn

a guardian, a protector,

وَقَائِداً وَنَاصِراً

wa qaa-edawn wa naaserawn

a leader, a helper,

وَدَلِيلاً وَعَيْناً

wa daleelawn wa a'ynan

a proof, and an eye.

حَتَّى تُسْكِنَهُ أَرْضَكَ طَوْعاً

hattaa tuskenahu arzaka taw-a'n


وَتُمَتّعَهُ فِيهَا طَوِيلاً.

wa tomatte-a'hu feehaa taweelaa.

until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to You),& Cause him to live in it for a long time

اللّهُمّ كُنْ لِوَلِيّكَ الحُجّةِ ابْنِ الحَسَنِ

Allahumma Kum le-waliyyekal Hujjatibnil Hassan

O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of Al­Hassan,

صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آبَائِهِ

Salwaatoka A'layhe wa a'laa Aaabaa-Ehi

Your blessings be on him and his forefathers,

فِي هذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَفي كُلّ سَاعَةٍ

fee haazehis saa-a'te wa fee kulle saa-a'tin

in this hour and in every hour,

وَلِيّاً وَحَافِظاً

waliyyawn wa haafezawn

a guardian, a protector,

وَقَائِداً وَنَاصِراً

wa qaa-edawn wa naaserawn

a leader, a helper,

وَدَلِيلاً وَعَيْناً

wa daleelawn wa a'ynan

a proof, and an eye.

حَتَّى تُسْكِنَهُ أَرْضَكَ طَوْعاً

hattaa tuskenahu arzaka taw-a'n


وَتُمَتّعَهُ فِيهَا طَوِيلاً.

wa tomatte-a'hu feehaa taweelaa.

until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to You),& Cause him to live in it for a long time