Day of Arafah Dua and Amaal on 9 Zilhajj




"Fasting" In al-Misbah, al-Kaf`ami says that it is recommended to observe fasting on `Arafah Day, unless fasting prevents from recitation of supplications.




"Ghusl" Perform Ghusl (before noon) on 'Arafah' Day.




Ziarat Imam Hussain(as) on Arafah Day




9th Dhul-hijjah Martyrdom Muslim ibn Aqeel (as) Ziyarat of Muslim ibn Aqeel (as)




It is recommended to recite the Dhuhr and Asr Prayers under the open sky




Two unit (rakaah) prayer After obligatory prayers, it is recommended to offer a two unit prayer reciting Surah al-Fatihah and Surah al-Tawhid in the first unit and Surah al-Fatihah and Surah al-Kafirun in the second.




Two unit prayer under the open sky




After the 'Asr Prayer and before the reciting the supplications of 'Arafah' Day, offer another 2 unit prayer (like fajr prayers) under the open sky, confessing one's sins before Allah (swt).




One who offers this prayer will be granted the reward of being present on Mount `Arafah and having all sins forgiven.




Salaat of Imam Ali (as) - four units




Dua of Imam Husain (as) for the Day of 'Arafah




Dua 47 from Sahifa of Imam Ali Zayn ul-Abideen (peace be upon him)




Dua Allahumma Man Ta'abba'a wa Ta-hayya'a




Recite Ziarat Third Jam'ea




Dua Umm E Dawood