When one has worn the ihram for Hajj, and departed from Makkah, one must say the talbiyyah on the way but not in loud voice till one reaches Abtah when it must be recited aloud. When one notices Mina, one should say:

اللهم إياك أرجو، وإياك أدعو، فبلغني أملي، وأصلح لي عملي

"allahumma iyyaka arjuu waiyyaka aduu faballighni amalii aslih lii amalii."

(Translation: O Allah, I place all my hopes in You and supplicate to You. Fulfil my hopes and put my actions in order.)

On the way one must busy oneself doing tasbeeh and zikr of Allah and on arriving at Mina say the following dua:

الحمد لله الذي أقدمنيها صالحاً في عافية وبلغني هذا المكان

"allahumdulillahil-lazii aqda maniiha saalihan fii aafiyatin waballaghanii hadhal makana."

(Translation: All praise is due to Allah who brought me to Mina in sound health and reached me to this place.)





Then say:

اللهم وهذه منى ، وهي مما مننت به على أوليائك من المناسك ، فأسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد ، وأن تمن عليّ فيها بما مننت على اوليائك وأهل طاعتك فإنما أنا عبدك وفي قبضتك

"allahumma hadhihi minaa wahiya mimma mananta bihi alaina minal manasiki faasaluka an tamunna alaiyya bima mananta alaa anbiyaaika fainnama ana abduka wafii qabzatika."

O Allah, this is Mina where You have graced us with performance of ceremonies. I beseech You for the grace You have bestowed on Your Prophets, for I am one of Your servants and in Your power.)





It is recommended that the eve of Arafaat be spent in Mina in the worship of Allah, the High and its preferred form is prayers (salaat) in the mosque at Kheef. After dawn, one must continue in prayer till sunrise and then move to Arafaat. There is no objection in departing from Mina before sunrise. When one notices Arafaat, one should say:

اللَّهُمَّ إِيّاكَ صَمَدْتُ، وَإِيّاكَ اعتَمَدتُ، وَوَجهكَ أَرَدْتُ، أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُبَارِكَ لِي فِي رحْلَتِي، وَأَنْ تَقْضِي لِي حَاجَتِي، وَأَنْ تَجْعَلَنِي ممّن‏تُباهِي بِهِ اليوم مَنْ هُوَ أَفْضَلُ مِنِّي

"allahumma ilaika samadtu waiyyaka-atamadtu wawajhaka aradtu asaluka an tabarika lii fii rihlatii wataqziya lii haajatii waan tajaalanii mimman tubahii bihil yawma man huwa afzalu minnii"

O Allah, I turn to You, repose trust in You and seek Your pleasure. I beseech You to bless my journey, fulfil my wishes and include me among those superior to me whom You honour today.)





When one reaches Arafaat, one should recite the talbiyyah.








When one has worn the ihram for Hajj, and departed from Makkah, one must say the talbiyyah on the way but not in loud voice till one reaches Abtah when it must be recited aloud. When one notices Mina, one should say:

اللهم إياك أرجو، وإياك أدعو، فبلغني أملي، وأصلح لي عملي

"allahumma iyyaka arjuu waiyyaka aduu faballighni amalii aslih lii amalii."

(Translation: O Allah, I place all my hopes in You and supplicate to You. Fulfil my hopes and put my actions in order.)

On the way one must busy oneself doing tasbeeh and zikr of Allah and on arriving at Mina say the following dua:

الحمد لله الذي أقدمنيها صالحاً في عافية وبلغني هذا المكان

"allahumdulillahil-lazii aqda maniiha saalihan fii aafiyatin waballaghanii hadhal makana."

(Translation: All praise is due to Allah who brought me to Mina in sound health and reached me to this place.)





Then say:

اللهم وهذه منى ، وهي مما مننت به على أوليائك من المناسك ، فأسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد ، وأن تمن عليّ فيها بما مننت على اوليائك وأهل طاعتك فإنما أنا عبدك وفي قبضتك

"allahumma hadhihi minaa wahiya mimma mananta bihi alaina minal manasiki faasaluka an tamunna alaiyya bima mananta alaa anbiyaaika fainnama ana abduka wafii qabzatika."

O Allah, this is Mina where You have graced us with performance of ceremonies. I beseech You for the grace You have bestowed on Your Prophets, for I am one of Your servants and in Your power.)





It is recommended that the eve of Arafaat be spent in Mina in the worship of Allah, the High and its preferred form is prayers (salaat) in the mosque at Kheef. After dawn, one must continue in prayer till sunrise and then move to Arafaat. There is no objection in departing from Mina before sunrise. When one notices Arafaat, one should say:

اللَّهُمَّ إِيّاكَ صَمَدْتُ، وَإِيّاكَ اعتَمَدتُ، وَوَجهكَ أَرَدْتُ، أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُبَارِكَ لِي فِي رحْلَتِي، وَأَنْ تَقْضِي لِي حَاجَتِي، وَأَنْ تَجْعَلَنِي ممّن‏تُباهِي بِهِ اليوم مَنْ هُوَ أَفْضَلُ مِنِّي

"allahumma ilaika samadtu waiyyaka-atamadtu wawajhaka aradtu asaluka an tabarika lii fii rihlatii wataqziya lii haajatii waan tajaalanii mimman tubahii bihil yawma man huwa afzalu minnii"

O Allah, I turn to You, repose trust in You and seek Your pleasure. I beseech You to bless my journey, fulfil my wishes and include me among those superior to me whom You honour today.)





When one reaches Arafaat, one should recite the talbiyyah.








When one has worn the ihram for Hajj, and departed from Makkah, one must say the talbiyyah on the way but not in loud voice till one reaches Abtah when it must be recited aloud. When one notices Mina, one should say:

اللهم إياك أرجو، وإياك أدعو، فبلغني أملي، وأصلح لي عملي

"allahumma iyyaka arjuu waiyyaka aduu faballighni amalii aslih lii amalii."

(Translation: O Allah, I place all my hopes in You and supplicate to You. Fulfil my hopes and put my actions in order.)

On the way one must busy oneself doing tasbeeh and zikr of Allah and on arriving at Mina say the following dua:

الحمد لله الذي أقدمنيها صالحاً في عافية وبلغني هذا المكان

"allahumdulillahil-lazii aqda maniiha saalihan fii aafiyatin waballaghanii hadhal makana."

(Translation: All praise is due to Allah who brought me to Mina in sound health and reached me to this place.)





Then say:

اللهم وهذه منى ، وهي مما مننت به على أوليائك من المناسك ، فأسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد ، وأن تمن عليّ فيها بما مننت على اوليائك وأهل طاعتك فإنما أنا عبدك وفي قبضتك

"allahumma hadhihi minaa wahiya mimma mananta bihi alaina minal manasiki faasaluka an tamunna alaiyya bima mananta alaa anbiyaaika fainnama ana abduka wafii qabzatika."

O Allah, this is Mina where You have graced us with performance of ceremonies. I beseech You for the grace You have bestowed on Your Prophets, for I am one of Your servants and in Your power.)





It is recommended that the eve of Arafaat be spent in Mina in the worship of Allah, the High and its preferred form is prayers (salaat) in the mosque at Kheef. After dawn, one must continue in prayer till sunrise and then move to Arafaat. There is no objection in departing from Mina before sunrise. When one notices Arafaat, one should say:

اللَّهُمَّ إِيّاكَ صَمَدْتُ، وَإِيّاكَ اعتَمَدتُ، وَوَجهكَ أَرَدْتُ، أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُبَارِكَ لِي فِي رحْلَتِي، وَأَنْ تَقْضِي لِي حَاجَتِي، وَأَنْ تَجْعَلَنِي ممّن‏تُباهِي بِهِ اليوم مَنْ هُوَ أَفْضَلُ مِنِّي

"allahumma ilaika samadtu waiyyaka-atamadtu wawajhaka aradtu asaluka an tabarika lii fii rihlatii wataqziya lii haajatii waan tajaalanii mimman tubahii bihil yawma man huwa afzalu minnii"

O Allah, I turn to You, repose trust in You and seek Your pleasure. I beseech You to bless my journey, fulfil my wishes and include me among those superior to me whom You honour today.)





When one reaches Arafaat, one should recite the talbiyyah.