Also called al-Multazam and al-Muta 'awwadh, this place is situated before the al-Rukn al-Yamıni and directly behind the gate of the Holy Ka "bah. It is the place wherefrom Lady Fätimah bint Asad entered the Holy Ka bah and gave birth of Imam Ali. Many traditions have conveyed the merits of this place. you should confess to Almighty Allah of sins that you can recollect. As for sin that you may have forgotten, you should express them by 'forgive all our sins, including these, which Your angels recorded, but we have now forgotten Verily whoever confesses of his sins at that place and mention them and prays Almighty Allah to forgive them, then it will be incumbent upon Almighty Allah to forgive them, Another tradition has recounted that when Prophet Adam circumambulated the Holy House and reached at al-Multazam, Archangel Gabriel taught him to confess of his sins at that place. Therefore, Prophet Adam asked Almighty Allah whether his descendants would enjoy this merit (of having their sins forgiven if they confess of them at this place). Almighty Allah answered, "I will forgive the sins of any of your descendants who comes to this place, repents to Me in the same way as you did, and prays Me to forgive him." It has been reported from Abi Adillah (a.s.) that when the pilgrim completes the tawaf and reaches the ‘Mustajaar’ which is a little before the Rukn-ul-Yamaani, he must stretch his hands onto the Holy Ka’ba, cling to it and say: (O Allah! this House is Yours and this creature is Yours and this is the place for taking refuge in You from the fire of Hell).