Dua Sanamay Quraish

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Bismilah hir rahman ir rahim

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.

اَللّٰہُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

Allahumma Salle ala muhammadin wa aale Muhammad

O Allah Bless Mohammed and his household

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْ صَنَمَیْ قُرَیْشٍ وَ جِبْتَیْہَا وَ طَاغُوْتَیْہَا وَ اِفْکَیْہَا وَ اِبْنَتَیْہَا

Allahummal an sanama qureshin wa jibtaeha wa taghootaeha wa ifkaeha wa ibnataeh

O Allah! Curse the two idols of Quraish and their two magicians, their two rebellious people, their two accusers and their two daughters.



Rebuke them, they have consumed Your sustenance

الَّذَیْنِ خَالَفَا اَمْرَکَ وَ اَنْکَرَا وَحْیَکَ وَ جَحَدَا اِنْعَامَکَ وَ عَصَیَا رَسُوْلَکَ

al lazeeni khalafa amraka wa ankara wahyaka wa jahada inaamaka wa aasaya rasoolaka

and have denied Your obligations, both have discarded Your commands, have rejected Your revelation, have disobeyed Your Prophet,

وَ قَلَّبَا دِیْنَکَ وَ حَرَّفَا کِتَابَکَ

wa qal-laba deenaka wa har-rafa kitabaka

have destroyed Your religion, have distorted Your book,

وَ اَحَبَّا اَعْدَآئَکَ وَ جَحَدَ اٰلَآئَکَ وَ عَطَّلاَ اَحْکَامَکَ وَ اَبْطَلاَ فَرَآئِضَکَ

wa ahab-ba aadaaa-aka wa jahada aalaaa-aka wa at-tala ahkamaka wa abtala faraaa-izaka

have made Your laws ineffective, have declared Your obligatory actions as incorrect,

وَ اَلْحَدَا فِیْ اٰیَاتِکَ وَ عَادَیَا اَوْلِیَآئَکَ وَ وَالَیَا اَعْدَآئَکَ

wa alhada fee aayatika wa aada ya awliyaaa-aka wa walaya aadaaa-aka

have disbelieved in Your signs, have oppressed Your friends, have loved Your enemies,

وَ خَرَّبَا بِلاَدَکَ وَ اَفْسَدَا عِبَادَکَ

wa khar-raba biladaka wa afsada ebdaka

have spread corruption among Your people, have made Your world occur loses.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا وَ اَتْبَاعَہُمَا وَ اَوْلِیَآئَہُمَا وَ اَشْیَاعَہُمَا وَ مُحِبِّیْہِمَا

Allahummal anhuma wa atbaaahuma wa awliyaaa-ahuma wa ashya ahuma wa muhib-bihima

O Allah! Send Your curses on them and their helpers

فَقَدْ اَخْرَبَا بَیْتَ النُّبُوَّۃِ وَ رَدَمَا بَابَہٗ وَ نَقَضَا سَقْفَہٗ

faqad akhraba baytan nubuw-wati wa rada ma babahu wa naqaza saqfahu

as they have ruined the house of Your prophet,have dug the door of his house, broken the roof, have brought down the walls,

وَ اَلْحَقَا سَمَائَہٗ بِاَرْضِہٖ وَ عَالِیَہٗ بِسَافِلِہٖ

wa alhaqa sama-aahu bi-arzihi wa aaliyahu bi-sa-filihi

have made the skies, the ground, have destroyed its inhabitants,

وَ ظَاہِرَہٗ بِبَاطِنِہٖ وَ اسْتَاْصَلاَ اَہْلَہٗ وَ اٰبَادَ اَنْصَارَہٗ وَ قَتَلاَ اَطْفَالَہٗ

wa zahirahu bi-batinihi was-tasala ahlahu wa abada ansarahu wa qatala atfalahu

have killed their supporters have put to death,their children

وَ اَخْلَیَا مِنْبَرَہٗ مِنْ وَ صِیِّہٖ وَ وَارِثِ عِلْمِہٖ

wa akhlaya mimbarahu minw-wasee-yihi wa warisi ilmihi

have deserted his pulpit by his successors of knowledge,

وَ جَحَدَا اِمَامَتَہٗ وَ اَشْرَکَا بِرَبِّہِمَا

wa jahada imamatahu wa ashraka bi-rab-bihima

have desired his prophet hood, have ascribed a partner to their Lord,

فَعَظِّمْ ذَنْبَہُمَا وَ خَلِّدْہُمَا فِیْ سَقَرَ

fa-az-zim zambahuma wa khal-lidhuma fee saqara

thus consider both of their sins to be great, and make their abode in 'saqar' forever,

وَ مَا اَدْرَاکَ مَا سَقَرُ لاَ تُبْقِیْ وَ لاَ تَذَرْ

wa maaa adraka ma saqaru la tubqi wa la tazar

and do you know what is 'saqar?' It leaves nothing, nor let anything remain.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمْ بِعَدَدِ کُلِّ مُنْکَرٍ اَتَوْہُ وَحَقٍّ اَخْفَوْہُ

Allahummal anhum bi-adadi kulli munkarin ataohu wa haq-qin akhfaohu

O Allah, send Your chastisement on them to the extent of the sins of every disobedient, and the covering of truth,

وَ مِنْبَرٍ عَلَوْہُ وَ مُؤْمِنٍ اَرْجَوْہُ وَ مُنَافِقٍ وَلَّوْہُ

wa mimbarin alaohu wa mu-minin arjaohu wa munfiqiw-wal-laohu

and all the pulpits where they have gone, and the believer whom they have harmed and the disbeliever whom they have loved,

وَ وَلِیٍّ اٰذَوْہُ وَ طَرِیْدٍ اٰوَوْہُ وَ صَادِقٍ طَرَدُوْہُ وَ کَافِرٍ نَصَرُوْہُ

wa walee-yin aazaohu wa tareedin aawaohu wa sadiqin taraduho wa ka-afirin nasaroohu

and to the number of pious people whom they have troubled, and whom they have driven out of their cities, and helped the disbelievers,

وَ اِمَامٍ قَہَرُوْہُ وَ فَرْضٍ غَیَّرُوْہُ وَ اَثَرٍ اَنْکَرُوْہُ

wa imamin qaharoohu wa farzin ghai-yaruhu wa asarin ankaroohu

and the Imam on whom they were cruel and have changed the obligatory laws, and have destroyed the practice of the Holy Prophet,

وَ شَرٍّ اٰثَرُوْہُ وَ دَمٍ اَرَاقُوْہُ وَ خَیْرٍم بَدَّلُوْہُ وَ کُفْرٍ نَصَبُوْہُ

wa shar-rin aasaroohu wa damin araqoohu wa khairin bad-daloohu wa kufrin nasaboohu

and whatever evils they have concealed, the blood which they shed, have changed the goodness and have altered the commands, have created disbelief,

وَ کِذْبٍ دَلَّسُوْہُ وَ اِرْثٍ غَصَبُوْہُ وَ فَیْئٍ اقْتَطَعُوْہُ

wa kizbin dal-lasoohu wa irsin ghasaboohu wa fae-iq tataoohu

or the lie for which they have cheated, the inheritance which they have plundered, and stopped the booties from them

وَ سُحْتٍ اَکَلُوْہُ وَ خُمْسٍ اِسْتَحَلُّوْہُ

wa suhtin akaloohu wa khumsis tahal-loohu

and have consumed the prohibited wealth,and that 'Khums' (the fifth part) which they considered as permitted for them,

وَ بَاطِلٍ اَسَّسُوْہُ وَ جَوْرٍ بَسَطُوْہُ وَ نِفَاقٍ اَسَرُّوْہُ وَ غَدْرٍ اَضْمَرُوْہُ وَ ظُلْمٍ نَشَرُوْہُ

wa batilin as-sasoohu wa jaorin basatoohu wa nifaqin asar-roohu wa ghadrin azmaroohu wa zulmin nasharoohu

and that evil whose foundation were put, and that cruelty which they made common, that oppression, which they spread,

وَ وَعْدٍ اَخْلَفُوْہُ وَ اَمَانَۃٍ خَانُوْہُ

wa wa-din akhlafoohu wa amanatin khanoohu wa ahdin naqazoohu

those promises, which they dishonored, those covenant which they broke,

وَ عَہْدٍ نَقَضُوْہُ وَ حَلاَلٍ حَرَّمُوْہُ وَ حَرَامٍ اَحَلُّوْہُ

wa halalin har-ramoohu wa haramin ahal-loohu

those lawful which is termed as unlawful, and that unlawful which is termed as lawful,

وَ بَطْنٍ فَتَقُوْہُ وَ جَنِیْنٍ اَسْقَطُوْہُ

wa batnin fataqoohu wa janeenin asqatoohu

and those stomach which they have split open, and that 'pahlu' which they broke

وَ ضِلَعٍ دَقُّوْہُ وَ صَکٍّ مَّزَّقُوْہُ وَ شَمْلٍم بَدَّدُوْہُ

wa zila-in daq-qoohu wa sak-kim maz-za qoohu wa shamlim bad-dadoohu

that hypocrisy which they have concealed in the hearts, and to the amount of treachery which they bore in their hearts,



and that door which they broke-opened, and those gatherings which they dispersed

وَ عَزِیْزٍ اَذَلُّوْہُ وَ ذَلِیْلٍ اَعَزُّوْہُ

wa azeezin azal-looho wa zaleelin aa-az-zoohu

and those degraded whom they gave honor, and those honourable whom they insulted,

وَ حَقٍّ مَنَعُوْہُ وَ کِذْبٍ دَلَّسُوْہُ وَ حُکْمٍ قَلَّبُوْہُ وَ اِمَامٍ خَالَفُوْہُ

wa haq-qim mana-oohu wa kizbin dal-lasoohu wa hukmin qal-laboohu wa imamin khaalafoohu

and by the number of rights which they have usurped, and the order of Imam which they opposed,



bestow Your wrath on them to the extent of the atrocities.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا بِعَدَدِ کُلِّ اٰیَۃٍ حَرَّفُوْہَا وَ فَرِیْضَۃٍ تَرَکُوْہَا

Allahummal anhuma bi-adadi kulli aayatin har-rafooha wa fareezatin tarakooha

O Allah! Implicate Your curses on them to the extent of alterations they have introduced in Quran and the cover-ups in their lies,

وَ سُنَّۃٍ غَیَّرُوْہَا وَ اَحْکَامٍ عَطَّلُوْہَا وَ رُسُوْمٍ قَطَعُوْہَا

wa sun-natin ghay-yarooha wa ahkamin at-talooha wa rusoomin qata-ooha

tempering with the divine wills, Lords deeds which were made redundant ,

وَ وَصِیَّۃٍ بَدَّلُوْہَا وَ اُمُوْرٍ ضَیَّعُوْہَا وَ بَیْعَۃٍ نَکَثُوْہَا

wa wasiy-yatin bad-dalooha wa umoorin zaey-ya-ooha wa bae-atin nakasooha

and those promises which were disregarded, and those verdicts which were made void

وَ شَہَادَاتٍ کَتَمُوْہَا وَ دَعْوَآئٍ اَبْطَلُوْہَا وَ بَیِّنَۃٍ اَنْکَرُوْہَا

wa shahadaatin katamooha wa da-waaa-in abtalooha wa bay-yanatin ankarooha

Refusal of their allegiances, presentation of excuses, introduction of breach of trust,

وَ حِیْلَۃٍ اَحْدَثُوْہَا وَ خِیَانَۃٍ اَوْرَدُوْہَا وَ عَقَبَۃٍ اِرْتَقُوْہَا

wa heelatin ahdasooha wa khiyanatin aw-radooha wa aqabatin irtaqooha

their acts of climbing on hills (for their lives)

وَ دِبَابٍ دَحْرَجُوْہَا وَ اَزْیَافٍ لَزَمُوْہَا اَللّٰھُمَّ الْعَنْھُمْ جَمِیْعًا

wa dibaabin dahrajooha wa azyafin lazmooha allhumma laan hum jamea

and those fixed rules which they turned other way round and all that defects which they possessed. Bestow Your curses on them.



Alternate Translation



Commands which they suspended, and the refusal of their allegiances and those claims (by the righteous) which were negated, and those proofs (evidences)which were rejected, and those excuses which they fabricated, and their dishonesty and breach of trust, (their acts of) climbing on the hill (for their lives)nd those fixed rules which they changed and all the defects which they promoted, and those (three) testimonies which they had terminated, and The testament, which they destroyed.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا فِیْ مَکْنُوْنِ السِّرِّ وَ ظَاہِرِ الْعَلاَنِیَۃِ لَعْنًا کثِیْرًا اَبَدًا دَآئِمًا دَآئِبًا سَرْمَدًا

Allahummal anhuma fee maknoonis-sir-ri wa zahiril alaniyati la-nan kaseeran Abadan daaa-ii-man daaa-ii-ban sarmadan

O Allah curse those two, secretly and openly, such a beating which is forever continuous, nonstop and innumerable.

لاَ انْقِطَاعَ لِاَمَدِہٖ وَ لاَ نَفَادَ لِعَدَدِہٖ لَعْنًا یَّعُوْدُ اَوَّلُہٗ وَ لاَ یَنْقَطِعُ اٰخِرُہٗ

lan qitaa-a li-amadihi wa la nafada li-adadihi la-naen-yaoodu aw-waloohu wa la yanqatioo aakhiruhu

Such a whipping which commences in the morning but does not ends at night.

لَہُمْ وَ لِاَعْوَانِہِمْ وَ اَنْصَارِہِمْ وَ مُحِبِّیْہِمْ وَ مُوَالِیْہِمْ

lahum wa li aa-wanihim wa ansarihim wa muhib-beehim wa muwaleehim wal muslimeena lahum wal maaa-ii-leena ilaehim

Such a beating should be on those tyrants, and their helpers, their assistance, their friends and their lovers,

وَ الْمُسْلِمِیْنَ لَہُمْ وَ الْمَائِلِیْنَ اِلَیْہِمْ وَ النَّاہِقِیْنَ بِاِحْتِجَاجِہِمْ وَ النَّاہِضِیْنَ بِاَجْنِحَتِہِمْ وَ الْمُقْتَدِیْنَ بِکَلاَمِہِمْ وَ الْمُصَدِّقِیْنَ بِاَحْکَامِہِمْ.

wan nahiqeena bi-ihtijajihim wan nahizeena bi-ajnihatihim wal muqtadeena bi-kalamihim wal musad-diqeena bi-ahkamihim

those attracted to them and those who acknowledge their deeds, those who present proof for them, and those who follow their words, and those who approve their actions.



[Repeat 4 times]

اَللّٰہُمَّ عَذِّبْہُمْ عَذَابًا یَسْتَغِیْثُ مِنْہُ اَہْلُ النَّارِ اٰمِیْنَ رَبَّ الْعَالَمِیْنَ.

Allahumma az-zibhum azabaen-yastagheesu minhu ahlun naari aameen rab-bal aalameen Allahummal anhum jamee-an

O Allah! Send such a harsh chastisement upon them, that the dwellers of Hell start screaming, O Lord of the Universe accept this prayer from me.



Additional added by Ibn Tawoos

اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ فَاَغْنِنِیْ بِحَلَالِكَ عَنْ حَرَامِكَ وَ اَعِذْنِیْ مِنَ الْفَقْرِ رَبِّ اِنِّیْۤ اَسَأْتُ وَ ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِیْ وَ اعْتَرَفْتُ بِذُنُوْبِیْ وَھَاۤ اَنَا ذَا بَیْنَ یَدَیْكَ فَخُذْ لِنَفْسِكَ رِضَاھَا مِنْ نَّفْسِیْ لَكَ الْعُتْبٰی لَاۤ اَعُوْدُ فَاِنْ عُدْتُّ فَعُدْ عَلَیَّ بِالْمَغْفِرَۃِ وَ الْعَفْوِ لَكَ بِفَضْلِكَ وَ جُوْدِكَ وَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ وَ كَرَمِكَ یَاۤ اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ وَ صَلَّی اﷲُ عَلٰی سَیِّدِ الْمُرْسَلِیْنَ وَ خَاتَمِ النَّبِیِّیْنَ وَ اٰلِہِ الطَّیِّبِیْنَ الطَّاھِرِیْنَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ یَاۤ اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ۔

Allahumaa sale ala muhammadin wa aali muhammadin fa aghnini bi-halalika an haramika wa aa-izni minal faqri rabbi inni asa-tu wa zalamtu nafsi waa-taraftu bi-zunoobi wa ha ana za baena yadaeka fakhuz li-nafsika rizaha min-nafsi lakal utba la aaoodu fa-in udt-tu fa-ud alae-ya bil-maghfirati wal-afwi laka bi-fazlika wujoodika wa maghfiratika wa karamika yaaa ar-hamar-rahimeena wa sal-allahu ala say-yidil mursaleena wa khatimin nabiyeena wa aalihit tay-yabeenat tahireena bi-rahmatika ya ar-hamar-rahimeen


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Bismilah hir rahman ir rahim

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.

اَللّٰہُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

Allahumma Salle ala muhammadin wa aale Muhammad

O Allah Bless Mohammed and his household

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْ صَنَمَیْ قُرَیْشٍ وَ جِبْتَیْہَا وَ طَاغُوْتَیْہَا وَ اِفْکَیْہَا وَ اِبْنَتَیْہَا

Allahummal an sanama qureshin wa jibtaeha wa taghootaeha wa ifkaeha wa ibnataeh

O Allah! Curse the two idols of Quraish and their two magicians, their two rebellious people, their two accusers and their two daughters.



Rebuke them, they have consumed Your sustenance

الَّذَیْنِ خَالَفَا اَمْرَکَ وَ اَنْکَرَا وَحْیَکَ وَ جَحَدَا اِنْعَامَکَ وَ عَصَیَا رَسُوْلَکَ

al lazeeni khalafa amraka wa ankara wahyaka wa jahada inaamaka wa aasaya rasoolaka

and have denied Your obligations, both have discarded Your commands, have rejected Your revelation, have disobeyed Your Prophet,

وَ قَلَّبَا دِیْنَکَ وَ حَرَّفَا کِتَابَکَ

wa qal-laba deenaka wa har-rafa kitabaka

have destroyed Your religion, have distorted Your book,

وَ اَحَبَّا اَعْدَآئَکَ وَ جَحَدَ اٰلَآئَکَ وَ عَطَّلاَ اَحْکَامَکَ وَ اَبْطَلاَ فَرَآئِضَکَ

wa ahab-ba aadaaa-aka wa jahada aalaaa-aka wa at-tala ahkamaka wa abtala faraaa-izaka

have made Your laws ineffective, have declared Your obligatory actions as incorrect,

وَ اَلْحَدَا فِیْ اٰیَاتِکَ وَ عَادَیَا اَوْلِیَآئَکَ وَ وَالَیَا اَعْدَآئَکَ

wa alhada fee aayatika wa aada ya awliyaaa-aka wa walaya aadaaa-aka

have disbelieved in Your signs, have oppressed Your friends, have loved Your enemies,

وَ خَرَّبَا بِلاَدَکَ وَ اَفْسَدَا عِبَادَکَ

wa khar-raba biladaka wa afsada ebdaka

have spread corruption among Your people, have made Your world occur loses.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا وَ اَتْبَاعَہُمَا وَ اَوْلِیَآئَہُمَا وَ اَشْیَاعَہُمَا وَ مُحِبِّیْہِمَا

Allahummal anhuma wa atbaaahuma wa awliyaaa-ahuma wa ashya ahuma wa muhib-bihima

O Allah! Send Your curses on them and their helpers

فَقَدْ اَخْرَبَا بَیْتَ النُّبُوَّۃِ وَ رَدَمَا بَابَہٗ وَ نَقَضَا سَقْفَہٗ

faqad akhraba baytan nubuw-wati wa rada ma babahu wa naqaza saqfahu

as they have ruined the house of Your prophet,have dug the door of his house, broken the roof, have brought down the walls,

وَ اَلْحَقَا سَمَائَہٗ بِاَرْضِہٖ وَ عَالِیَہٗ بِسَافِلِہٖ

wa alhaqa sama-aahu bi-arzihi wa aaliyahu bi-sa-filihi

have made the skies, the ground, have destroyed its inhabitants,

وَ ظَاہِرَہٗ بِبَاطِنِہٖ وَ اسْتَاْصَلاَ اَہْلَہٗ وَ اٰبَادَ اَنْصَارَہٗ وَ قَتَلاَ اَطْفَالَہٗ

wa zahirahu bi-batinihi was-tasala ahlahu wa abada ansarahu wa qatala atfalahu

have killed their supporters have put to death,their children

وَ اَخْلَیَا مِنْبَرَہٗ مِنْ وَ صِیِّہٖ وَ وَارِثِ عِلْمِہٖ

wa akhlaya mimbarahu minw-wasee-yihi wa warisi ilmihi

have deserted his pulpit by his successors of knowledge,

وَ جَحَدَا اِمَامَتَہٗ وَ اَشْرَکَا بِرَبِّہِمَا

wa jahada imamatahu wa ashraka bi-rab-bihima

have desired his prophet hood, have ascribed a partner to their Lord,

فَعَظِّمْ ذَنْبَہُمَا وَ خَلِّدْہُمَا فِیْ سَقَرَ

fa-az-zim zambahuma wa khal-lidhuma fee saqara

thus consider both of their sins to be great, and make their abode in 'saqar' forever,

وَ مَا اَدْرَاکَ مَا سَقَرُ لاَ تُبْقِیْ وَ لاَ تَذَرْ

wa maaa adraka ma saqaru la tubqi wa la tazar

and do you know what is 'saqar?' It leaves nothing, nor let anything remain.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمْ بِعَدَدِ کُلِّ مُنْکَرٍ اَتَوْہُ وَحَقٍّ اَخْفَوْہُ

Allahummal anhum bi-adadi kulli munkarin ataohu wa haq-qin akhfaohu

O Allah, send Your chastisement on them to the extent of the sins of every disobedient, and the covering of truth,

وَ مِنْبَرٍ عَلَوْہُ وَ مُؤْمِنٍ اَرْجَوْہُ وَ مُنَافِقٍ وَلَّوْہُ

wa mimbarin alaohu wa mu-minin arjaohu wa munfiqiw-wal-laohu

and all the pulpits where they have gone, and the believer whom they have harmed and the disbeliever whom they have loved,

وَ وَلِیٍّ اٰذَوْہُ وَ طَرِیْدٍ اٰوَوْہُ وَ صَادِقٍ طَرَدُوْہُ وَ کَافِرٍ نَصَرُوْہُ

wa walee-yin aazaohu wa tareedin aawaohu wa sadiqin taraduho wa ka-afirin nasaroohu

and to the number of pious people whom they have troubled, and whom they have driven out of their cities, and helped the disbelievers,

وَ اِمَامٍ قَہَرُوْہُ وَ فَرْضٍ غَیَّرُوْہُ وَ اَثَرٍ اَنْکَرُوْہُ

wa imamin qaharoohu wa farzin ghai-yaruhu wa asarin ankaroohu

and the Imam on whom they were cruel and have changed the obligatory laws, and have destroyed the practice of the Holy Prophet,

وَ شَرٍّ اٰثَرُوْہُ وَ دَمٍ اَرَاقُوْہُ وَ خَیْرٍم بَدَّلُوْہُ وَ کُفْرٍ نَصَبُوْہُ

wa shar-rin aasaroohu wa damin araqoohu wa khairin bad-daloohu wa kufrin nasaboohu

and whatever evils they have concealed, the blood which they shed, have changed the goodness and have altered the commands, have created disbelief,

وَ کِذْبٍ دَلَّسُوْہُ وَ اِرْثٍ غَصَبُوْہُ وَ فَیْئٍ اقْتَطَعُوْہُ

wa kizbin dal-lasoohu wa irsin ghasaboohu wa fae-iq tataoohu

or the lie for which they have cheated, the inheritance which they have plundered, and stopped the booties from them

وَ سُحْتٍ اَکَلُوْہُ وَ خُمْسٍ اِسْتَحَلُّوْہُ

wa suhtin akaloohu wa khumsis tahal-loohu

and have consumed the prohibited wealth,and that 'Khums' (the fifth part) which they considered as permitted for them,

وَ بَاطِلٍ اَسَّسُوْہُ وَ جَوْرٍ بَسَطُوْہُ وَ نِفَاقٍ اَسَرُّوْہُ وَ غَدْرٍ اَضْمَرُوْہُ وَ ظُلْمٍ نَشَرُوْہُ

wa batilin as-sasoohu wa jaorin basatoohu wa nifaqin asar-roohu wa ghadrin azmaroohu wa zulmin nasharoohu

and that evil whose foundation were put, and that cruelty which they made common, that oppression, which they spread,

وَ وَعْدٍ اَخْلَفُوْہُ وَ اَمَانَۃٍ خَانُوْہُ

wa wa-din akhlafoohu wa amanatin khanoohu wa ahdin naqazoohu

those promises, which they dishonored, those covenant which they broke,

وَ عَہْدٍ نَقَضُوْہُ وَ حَلاَلٍ حَرَّمُوْہُ وَ حَرَامٍ اَحَلُّوْہُ

wa halalin har-ramoohu wa haramin ahal-loohu

those lawful which is termed as unlawful, and that unlawful which is termed as lawful,

وَ بَطْنٍ فَتَقُوْہُ وَ جَنِیْنٍ اَسْقَطُوْہُ

wa batnin fataqoohu wa janeenin asqatoohu

and those stomach which they have split open, and that 'pahlu' which they broke

وَ ضِلَعٍ دَقُّوْہُ وَ صَکٍّ مَّزَّقُوْہُ وَ شَمْلٍم بَدَّدُوْہُ

wa zila-in daq-qoohu wa sak-kim maz-za qoohu wa shamlim bad-dadoohu

that hypocrisy which they have concealed in the hearts, and to the amount of treachery which they bore in their hearts,



and that door which they broke-opened, and those gatherings which they dispersed

وَ عَزِیْزٍ اَذَلُّوْہُ وَ ذَلِیْلٍ اَعَزُّوْہُ

wa azeezin azal-looho wa zaleelin aa-az-zoohu

and those degraded whom they gave honor, and those honourable whom they insulted,

وَ حَقٍّ مَنَعُوْہُ وَ کِذْبٍ دَلَّسُوْہُ وَ حُکْمٍ قَلَّبُوْہُ وَ اِمَامٍ خَالَفُوْہُ

wa haq-qim mana-oohu wa kizbin dal-lasoohu wa hukmin qal-laboohu wa imamin khaalafoohu

and by the number of rights which they have usurped, and the order of Imam which they opposed,



bestow Your wrath on them to the extent of the atrocities.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا بِعَدَدِ کُلِّ اٰیَۃٍ حَرَّفُوْہَا وَ فَرِیْضَۃٍ تَرَکُوْہَا

Allahummal anhuma bi-adadi kulli aayatin har-rafooha wa fareezatin tarakooha

O Allah! Implicate Your curses on them to the extent of alterations they have introduced in Quran and the cover-ups in their lies,

وَ سُنَّۃٍ غَیَّرُوْہَا وَ اَحْکَامٍ عَطَّلُوْہَا وَ رُسُوْمٍ قَطَعُوْہَا

wa sun-natin ghay-yarooha wa ahkamin at-talooha wa rusoomin qata-ooha

tempering with the divine wills, Lords deeds which were made redundant ,

وَ وَصِیَّۃٍ بَدَّلُوْہَا وَ اُمُوْرٍ ضَیَّعُوْہَا وَ بَیْعَۃٍ نَکَثُوْہَا

wa wasiy-yatin bad-dalooha wa umoorin zaey-ya-ooha wa bae-atin nakasooha

and those promises which were disregarded, and those verdicts which were made void

وَ شَہَادَاتٍ کَتَمُوْہَا وَ دَعْوَآئٍ اَبْطَلُوْہَا وَ بَیِّنَۃٍ اَنْکَرُوْہَا

wa shahadaatin katamooha wa da-waaa-in abtalooha wa bay-yanatin ankarooha

Refusal of their allegiances, presentation of excuses, introduction of breach of trust,

وَ حِیْلَۃٍ اَحْدَثُوْہَا وَ خِیَانَۃٍ اَوْرَدُوْہَا وَ عَقَبَۃٍ اِرْتَقُوْہَا

wa heelatin ahdasooha wa khiyanatin aw-radooha wa aqabatin irtaqooha

their acts of climbing on hills (for their lives)

وَ دِبَابٍ دَحْرَجُوْہَا وَ اَزْیَافٍ لَزَمُوْہَا اَللّٰھُمَّ الْعَنْھُمْ جَمِیْعًا

wa dibaabin dahrajooha wa azyafin lazmooha allhumma laan hum jamea

and those fixed rules which they turned other way round and all that defects which they possessed. Bestow Your curses on them.



Alternate Translation



Commands which they suspended, and the refusal of their allegiances and those claims (by the righteous) which were negated, and those proofs (evidences)which were rejected, and those excuses which they fabricated, and their dishonesty and breach of trust, (their acts of) climbing on the hill (for their lives)nd those fixed rules which they changed and all the defects which they promoted, and those (three) testimonies which they had terminated, and The testament, which they destroyed.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا فِیْ مَکْنُوْنِ السِّرِّ وَ ظَاہِرِ الْعَلاَنِیَۃِ لَعْنًا کثِیْرًا اَبَدًا دَآئِمًا دَآئِبًا سَرْمَدًا

Allahummal anhuma fee maknoonis-sir-ri wa zahiril alaniyati la-nan kaseeran Abadan daaa-ii-man daaa-ii-ban sarmadan

O Allah curse those two, secretly and openly, such a beating which is forever continuous, nonstop and innumerable.

لاَ انْقِطَاعَ لِاَمَدِہٖ وَ لاَ نَفَادَ لِعَدَدِہٖ لَعْنًا یَّعُوْدُ اَوَّلُہٗ وَ لاَ یَنْقَطِعُ اٰخِرُہٗ

lan qitaa-a li-amadihi wa la nafada li-adadihi la-naen-yaoodu aw-waloohu wa la yanqatioo aakhiruhu

Such a whipping which commences in the morning but does not ends at night.

لَہُمْ وَ لِاَعْوَانِہِمْ وَ اَنْصَارِہِمْ وَ مُحِبِّیْہِمْ وَ مُوَالِیْہِمْ

lahum wa li aa-wanihim wa ansarihim wa muhib-beehim wa muwaleehim wal muslimeena lahum wal maaa-ii-leena ilaehim

Such a beating should be on those tyrants, and their helpers, their assistance, their friends and their lovers,

وَ الْمُسْلِمِیْنَ لَہُمْ وَ الْمَائِلِیْنَ اِلَیْہِمْ وَ النَّاہِقِیْنَ بِاِحْتِجَاجِہِمْ وَ النَّاہِضِیْنَ بِاَجْنِحَتِہِمْ وَ الْمُقْتَدِیْنَ بِکَلاَمِہِمْ وَ الْمُصَدِّقِیْنَ بِاَحْکَامِہِمْ.

wan nahiqeena bi-ihtijajihim wan nahizeena bi-ajnihatihim wal muqtadeena bi-kalamihim wal musad-diqeena bi-ahkamihim

those attracted to them and those who acknowledge their deeds, those who present proof for them, and those who follow their words, and those who approve their actions.



[Repeat 4 times]

اَللّٰہُمَّ عَذِّبْہُمْ عَذَابًا یَسْتَغِیْثُ مِنْہُ اَہْلُ النَّارِ اٰمِیْنَ رَبَّ الْعَالَمِیْنَ.

Allahumma az-zibhum azabaen-yastagheesu minhu ahlun naari aameen rab-bal aalameen Allahummal anhum jamee-an

O Allah! Send such a harsh chastisement upon them, that the dwellers of Hell start screaming, O Lord of the Universe accept this prayer from me.



Additional added by Ibn Tawoos

اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ فَاَغْنِنِیْ بِحَلَالِكَ عَنْ حَرَامِكَ وَ اَعِذْنِیْ مِنَ الْفَقْرِ رَبِّ اِنِّیْۤ اَسَأْتُ وَ ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِیْ وَ اعْتَرَفْتُ بِذُنُوْبِیْ وَھَاۤ اَنَا ذَا بَیْنَ یَدَیْكَ فَخُذْ لِنَفْسِكَ رِضَاھَا مِنْ نَّفْسِیْ لَكَ الْعُتْبٰی لَاۤ اَعُوْدُ فَاِنْ عُدْتُّ فَعُدْ عَلَیَّ بِالْمَغْفِرَۃِ وَ الْعَفْوِ لَكَ بِفَضْلِكَ وَ جُوْدِكَ وَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ وَ كَرَمِكَ یَاۤ اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ وَ صَلَّی اﷲُ عَلٰی سَیِّدِ الْمُرْسَلِیْنَ وَ خَاتَمِ النَّبِیِّیْنَ وَ اٰلِہِ الطَّیِّبِیْنَ الطَّاھِرِیْنَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ یَاۤ اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ۔

Allahumaa sale ala muhammadin wa aali muhammadin fa aghnini bi-halalika an haramika wa aa-izni minal faqri rabbi inni asa-tu wa zalamtu nafsi waa-taraftu bi-zunoobi wa ha ana za baena yadaeka fakhuz li-nafsika rizaha min-nafsi lakal utba la aaoodu fa-in udt-tu fa-ud alae-ya bil-maghfirati wal-afwi laka bi-fazlika wujoodika wa maghfiratika wa karamika yaaa ar-hamar-rahimeena wa sal-allahu ala say-yidil mursaleena wa khatimin nabiyeena wa aalihit tay-yabeenat tahireena bi-rahmatika ya ar-hamar-rahimeen


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Bismilah hir rahman ir rahim

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.

اَللّٰہُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

Allahumma Salle ala muhammadin wa aale Muhammad

O Allah Bless Mohammed and his household

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْ صَنَمَیْ قُرَیْشٍ وَ جِبْتَیْہَا وَ طَاغُوْتَیْہَا وَ اِفْکَیْہَا وَ اِبْنَتَیْہَا

Allahummal an sanama qureshin wa jibtaeha wa taghootaeha wa ifkaeha wa ibnataeh

O Allah! Curse the two idols of Quraish and their two magicians, their two rebellious people, their two accusers and their two daughters.



Rebuke them, they have consumed Your sustenance

الَّذَیْنِ خَالَفَا اَمْرَکَ وَ اَنْکَرَا وَحْیَکَ وَ جَحَدَا اِنْعَامَکَ وَ عَصَیَا رَسُوْلَکَ

al lazeeni khalafa amraka wa ankara wahyaka wa jahada inaamaka wa aasaya rasoolaka

and have denied Your obligations, both have discarded Your commands, have rejected Your revelation, have disobeyed Your Prophet,

وَ قَلَّبَا دِیْنَکَ وَ حَرَّفَا کِتَابَکَ

wa qal-laba deenaka wa har-rafa kitabaka

have destroyed Your religion, have distorted Your book,

وَ اَحَبَّا اَعْدَآئَکَ وَ جَحَدَ اٰلَآئَکَ وَ عَطَّلاَ اَحْکَامَکَ وَ اَبْطَلاَ فَرَآئِضَکَ

wa ahab-ba aadaaa-aka wa jahada aalaaa-aka wa at-tala ahkamaka wa abtala faraaa-izaka

have made Your laws ineffective, have declared Your obligatory actions as incorrect,

وَ اَلْحَدَا فِیْ اٰیَاتِکَ وَ عَادَیَا اَوْلِیَآئَکَ وَ وَالَیَا اَعْدَآئَکَ

wa alhada fee aayatika wa aada ya awliyaaa-aka wa walaya aadaaa-aka

have disbelieved in Your signs, have oppressed Your friends, have loved Your enemies,

وَ خَرَّبَا بِلاَدَکَ وَ اَفْسَدَا عِبَادَکَ

wa khar-raba biladaka wa afsada ebdaka

have spread corruption among Your people, have made Your world occur loses.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا وَ اَتْبَاعَہُمَا وَ اَوْلِیَآئَہُمَا وَ اَشْیَاعَہُمَا وَ مُحِبِّیْہِمَا

Allahummal anhuma wa atbaaahuma wa awliyaaa-ahuma wa ashya ahuma wa muhib-bihima

O Allah! Send Your curses on them and their helpers

فَقَدْ اَخْرَبَا بَیْتَ النُّبُوَّۃِ وَ رَدَمَا بَابَہٗ وَ نَقَضَا سَقْفَہٗ

faqad akhraba baytan nubuw-wati wa rada ma babahu wa naqaza saqfahu

as they have ruined the house of Your prophet,have dug the door of his house, broken the roof, have brought down the walls,

وَ اَلْحَقَا سَمَائَہٗ بِاَرْضِہٖ وَ عَالِیَہٗ بِسَافِلِہٖ

wa alhaqa sama-aahu bi-arzihi wa aaliyahu bi-sa-filihi

have made the skies, the ground, have destroyed its inhabitants,

وَ ظَاہِرَہٗ بِبَاطِنِہٖ وَ اسْتَاْصَلاَ اَہْلَہٗ وَ اٰبَادَ اَنْصَارَہٗ وَ قَتَلاَ اَطْفَالَہٗ

wa zahirahu bi-batinihi was-tasala ahlahu wa abada ansarahu wa qatala atfalahu

have killed their supporters have put to death,their children

وَ اَخْلَیَا مِنْبَرَہٗ مِنْ وَ صِیِّہٖ وَ وَارِثِ عِلْمِہٖ

wa akhlaya mimbarahu minw-wasee-yihi wa warisi ilmihi

have deserted his pulpit by his successors of knowledge,

وَ جَحَدَا اِمَامَتَہٗ وَ اَشْرَکَا بِرَبِّہِمَا

wa jahada imamatahu wa ashraka bi-rab-bihima

have desired his prophet hood, have ascribed a partner to their Lord,

فَعَظِّمْ ذَنْبَہُمَا وَ خَلِّدْہُمَا فِیْ سَقَرَ

fa-az-zim zambahuma wa khal-lidhuma fee saqara

thus consider both of their sins to be great, and make their abode in 'saqar' forever,

وَ مَا اَدْرَاکَ مَا سَقَرُ لاَ تُبْقِیْ وَ لاَ تَذَرْ

wa maaa adraka ma saqaru la tubqi wa la tazar

and do you know what is 'saqar?' It leaves nothing, nor let anything remain.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمْ بِعَدَدِ کُلِّ مُنْکَرٍ اَتَوْہُ وَحَقٍّ اَخْفَوْہُ

Allahummal anhum bi-adadi kulli munkarin ataohu wa haq-qin akhfaohu

O Allah, send Your chastisement on them to the extent of the sins of every disobedient, and the covering of truth,

وَ مِنْبَرٍ عَلَوْہُ وَ مُؤْمِنٍ اَرْجَوْہُ وَ مُنَافِقٍ وَلَّوْہُ

wa mimbarin alaohu wa mu-minin arjaohu wa munfiqiw-wal-laohu

and all the pulpits where they have gone, and the believer whom they have harmed and the disbeliever whom they have loved,

وَ وَلِیٍّ اٰذَوْہُ وَ طَرِیْدٍ اٰوَوْہُ وَ صَادِقٍ طَرَدُوْہُ وَ کَافِرٍ نَصَرُوْہُ

wa walee-yin aazaohu wa tareedin aawaohu wa sadiqin taraduho wa ka-afirin nasaroohu

and to the number of pious people whom they have troubled, and whom they have driven out of their cities, and helped the disbelievers,

وَ اِمَامٍ قَہَرُوْہُ وَ فَرْضٍ غَیَّرُوْہُ وَ اَثَرٍ اَنْکَرُوْہُ

wa imamin qaharoohu wa farzin ghai-yaruhu wa asarin ankaroohu

and the Imam on whom they were cruel and have changed the obligatory laws, and have destroyed the practice of the Holy Prophet,

وَ شَرٍّ اٰثَرُوْہُ وَ دَمٍ اَرَاقُوْہُ وَ خَیْرٍم بَدَّلُوْہُ وَ کُفْرٍ نَصَبُوْہُ

wa shar-rin aasaroohu wa damin araqoohu wa khairin bad-daloohu wa kufrin nasaboohu

and whatever evils they have concealed, the blood which they shed, have changed the goodness and have altered the commands, have created disbelief,

وَ کِذْبٍ دَلَّسُوْہُ وَ اِرْثٍ غَصَبُوْہُ وَ فَیْئٍ اقْتَطَعُوْہُ

wa kizbin dal-lasoohu wa irsin ghasaboohu wa fae-iq tataoohu

or the lie for which they have cheated, the inheritance which they have plundered, and stopped the booties from them

وَ سُحْتٍ اَکَلُوْہُ وَ خُمْسٍ اِسْتَحَلُّوْہُ

wa suhtin akaloohu wa khumsis tahal-loohu

and have consumed the prohibited wealth,and that 'Khums' (the fifth part) which they considered as permitted for them,

وَ بَاطِلٍ اَسَّسُوْہُ وَ جَوْرٍ بَسَطُوْہُ وَ نِفَاقٍ اَسَرُّوْہُ وَ غَدْرٍ اَضْمَرُوْہُ وَ ظُلْمٍ نَشَرُوْہُ

wa batilin as-sasoohu wa jaorin basatoohu wa nifaqin asar-roohu wa ghadrin azmaroohu wa zulmin nasharoohu

and that evil whose foundation were put, and that cruelty which they made common, that oppression, which they spread,

وَ وَعْدٍ اَخْلَفُوْہُ وَ اَمَانَۃٍ خَانُوْہُ

wa wa-din akhlafoohu wa amanatin khanoohu wa ahdin naqazoohu

those promises, which they dishonored, those covenant which they broke,

وَ عَہْدٍ نَقَضُوْہُ وَ حَلاَلٍ حَرَّمُوْہُ وَ حَرَامٍ اَحَلُّوْہُ

wa halalin har-ramoohu wa haramin ahal-loohu

those lawful which is termed as unlawful, and that unlawful which is termed as lawful,

وَ بَطْنٍ فَتَقُوْہُ وَ جَنِیْنٍ اَسْقَطُوْہُ

wa batnin fataqoohu wa janeenin asqatoohu

and those stomach which they have split open, and that 'pahlu' which they broke

وَ ضِلَعٍ دَقُّوْہُ وَ صَکٍّ مَّزَّقُوْہُ وَ شَمْلٍم بَدَّدُوْہُ

wa zila-in daq-qoohu wa sak-kim maz-za qoohu wa shamlim bad-dadoohu

that hypocrisy which they have concealed in the hearts, and to the amount of treachery which they bore in their hearts,



and that door which they broke-opened, and those gatherings which they dispersed

وَ عَزِیْزٍ اَذَلُّوْہُ وَ ذَلِیْلٍ اَعَزُّوْہُ

wa azeezin azal-looho wa zaleelin aa-az-zoohu

and those degraded whom they gave honor, and those honourable whom they insulted,

وَ حَقٍّ مَنَعُوْہُ وَ کِذْبٍ دَلَّسُوْہُ وَ حُکْمٍ قَلَّبُوْہُ وَ اِمَامٍ خَالَفُوْہُ

wa haq-qim mana-oohu wa kizbin dal-lasoohu wa hukmin qal-laboohu wa imamin khaalafoohu

and by the number of rights which they have usurped, and the order of Imam which they opposed,



bestow Your wrath on them to the extent of the atrocities.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا بِعَدَدِ کُلِّ اٰیَۃٍ حَرَّفُوْہَا وَ فَرِیْضَۃٍ تَرَکُوْہَا

Allahummal anhuma bi-adadi kulli aayatin har-rafooha wa fareezatin tarakooha

O Allah! Implicate Your curses on them to the extent of alterations they have introduced in Quran and the cover-ups in their lies,

وَ سُنَّۃٍ غَیَّرُوْہَا وَ اَحْکَامٍ عَطَّلُوْہَا وَ رُسُوْمٍ قَطَعُوْہَا

wa sun-natin ghay-yarooha wa ahkamin at-talooha wa rusoomin qata-ooha

tempering with the divine wills, Lords deeds which were made redundant ,

وَ وَصِیَّۃٍ بَدَّلُوْہَا وَ اُمُوْرٍ ضَیَّعُوْہَا وَ بَیْعَۃٍ نَکَثُوْہَا

wa wasiy-yatin bad-dalooha wa umoorin zaey-ya-ooha wa bae-atin nakasooha

and those promises which were disregarded, and those verdicts which were made void

وَ شَہَادَاتٍ کَتَمُوْہَا وَ دَعْوَآئٍ اَبْطَلُوْہَا وَ بَیِّنَۃٍ اَنْکَرُوْہَا

wa shahadaatin katamooha wa da-waaa-in abtalooha wa bay-yanatin ankarooha

Refusal of their allegiances, presentation of excuses, introduction of breach of trust,

وَ حِیْلَۃٍ اَحْدَثُوْہَا وَ خِیَانَۃٍ اَوْرَدُوْہَا وَ عَقَبَۃٍ اِرْتَقُوْہَا

wa heelatin ahdasooha wa khiyanatin aw-radooha wa aqabatin irtaqooha

their acts of climbing on hills (for their lives)

وَ دِبَابٍ دَحْرَجُوْہَا وَ اَزْیَافٍ لَزَمُوْہَا اَللّٰھُمَّ الْعَنْھُمْ جَمِیْعًا

wa dibaabin dahrajooha wa azyafin lazmooha allhumma laan hum jamea

and those fixed rules which they turned other way round and all that defects which they possessed. Bestow Your curses on them.



Alternate Translation



Commands which they suspended, and the refusal of their allegiances and those claims (by the righteous) which were negated, and those proofs (evidences)which were rejected, and those excuses which they fabricated, and their dishonesty and breach of trust, (their acts of) climbing on the hill (for their lives)nd those fixed rules which they changed and all the defects which they promoted, and those (three) testimonies which they had terminated, and The testament, which they destroyed.

اَللّٰہُمَّ الْعَنْہُمَا فِیْ مَکْنُوْنِ السِّرِّ وَ ظَاہِرِ الْعَلاَنِیَۃِ لَعْنًا کثِیْرًا اَبَدًا دَآئِمًا دَآئِبًا سَرْمَدًا

Allahummal anhuma fee maknoonis-sir-ri wa zahiril alaniyati la-nan kaseeran Abadan daaa-ii-man daaa-ii-ban sarmadan

O Allah curse those two, secretly and openly, such a beating which is forever continuous, nonstop and innumerable.

لاَ انْقِطَاعَ لِاَمَدِہٖ وَ لاَ نَفَادَ لِعَدَدِہٖ لَعْنًا یَّعُوْدُ اَوَّلُہٗ وَ لاَ یَنْقَطِعُ اٰخِرُہٗ

lan qitaa-a li-amadihi wa la nafada li-adadihi la-naen-yaoodu aw-waloohu wa la yanqatioo aakhiruhu

Such a whipping which commences in the morning but does not ends at night.

لَہُمْ وَ لِاَعْوَانِہِمْ وَ اَنْصَارِہِمْ وَ مُحِبِّیْہِمْ وَ مُوَالِیْہِمْ

lahum wa li aa-wanihim wa ansarihim wa muhib-beehim wa muwaleehim wal muslimeena lahum wal maaa-ii-leena ilaehim

Such a beating should be on those tyrants, and their helpers, their assistance, their friends and their lovers,

وَ الْمُسْلِمِیْنَ لَہُمْ وَ الْمَائِلِیْنَ اِلَیْہِمْ وَ النَّاہِقِیْنَ بِاِحْتِجَاجِہِمْ وَ النَّاہِضِیْنَ بِاَجْنِحَتِہِمْ وَ الْمُقْتَدِیْنَ بِکَلاَمِہِمْ وَ الْمُصَدِّقِیْنَ بِاَحْکَامِہِمْ.

wan nahiqeena bi-ihtijajihim wan nahizeena bi-ajnihatihim wal muqtadeena bi-kalamihim wal musad-diqeena bi-ahkamihim

those attracted to them and those who acknowledge their deeds, those who present proof for them, and those who follow their words, and those who approve their actions.



[Repeat 4 times]

اَللّٰہُمَّ عَذِّبْہُمْ عَذَابًا یَسْتَغِیْثُ مِنْہُ اَہْلُ النَّارِ اٰمِیْنَ رَبَّ الْعَالَمِیْنَ.

Allahumma az-zibhum azabaen-yastagheesu minhu ahlun naari aameen rab-bal aalameen Allahummal anhum jamee-an

O Allah! Send such a harsh chastisement upon them, that the dwellers of Hell start screaming, O Lord of the Universe accept this prayer from me.



Additional added by Ibn Tawoos

اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ فَاَغْنِنِیْ بِحَلَالِكَ عَنْ حَرَامِكَ وَ اَعِذْنِیْ مِنَ الْفَقْرِ رَبِّ اِنِّیْۤ اَسَأْتُ وَ ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِیْ وَ اعْتَرَفْتُ بِذُنُوْبِیْ وَھَاۤ اَنَا ذَا بَیْنَ یَدَیْكَ فَخُذْ لِنَفْسِكَ رِضَاھَا مِنْ نَّفْسِیْ لَكَ الْعُتْبٰی لَاۤ اَعُوْدُ فَاِنْ عُدْتُّ فَعُدْ عَلَیَّ بِالْمَغْفِرَۃِ وَ الْعَفْوِ لَكَ بِفَضْلِكَ وَ جُوْدِكَ وَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ وَ كَرَمِكَ یَاۤ اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ وَ صَلَّی اﷲُ عَلٰی سَیِّدِ الْمُرْسَلِیْنَ وَ خَاتَمِ النَّبِیِّیْنَ وَ اٰلِہِ الطَّیِّبِیْنَ الطَّاھِرِیْنَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ یَاۤ اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ۔

Allahumaa sale ala muhammadin wa aali muhammadin fa aghnini bi-halalika an haramika wa aa-izni minal faqri rabbi inni asa-tu wa zalamtu nafsi waa-taraftu bi-zunoobi wa ha ana za baena yadaeka fakhuz li-nafsika rizaha min-nafsi lakal utba la aaoodu fa-in udt-tu fa-ud alae-ya bil-maghfirati wal-afwi laka bi-fazlika wujoodika wa maghfiratika wa karamika yaaa ar-hamar-rahimeena wa sal-allahu ala say-yidil mursaleena wa khatimin nabiyeena wa aalihit tay-yabeenat tahireena bi-rahmatika ya ar-hamar-rahimeen