Recitation of the Quran


Amale Shabe Jumaa and Jumaa
Recitation of the Quran
In Shabe Juma, these surahs of Qurane kareem should be recited because each one of them has many benefits and rewards.
17 Al Isra
18 surah al Khaf
28 Al Qasas
2 Surah Baqrah
36 Surah Yaseen
38 Sureh sad,
46 Surah Ahqaf
56 Surah al waqia
43 Surah az-zurkha
44 Surah Dukhan,
52 Surah at-tur
62 Surah jumma
If there is shortage of time, then recite any surah from these surahs in the morning and then recite any surah from the morning surah.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that if a person recites the sound of ahqaf's tilawat in the evening on Friday or on Friday, then he will have no fear in this world and danger and in the end regret and trouble.
He also said that if a person recites Surah every Friday night then Haq Taala will be his friend, he will feel transformation in the world, ecstasy and sadness and he will remember the mercy of the Amirul Muameneen (a.s.) that this Surah is blessed by the Lord.
It is narrated that if a person recites Surah e jumma's tilawat in the evening on Friday then he will remember his atonement on that Friday and the next Friday.
This is the virtue of reciting Surah E Kahf on Friday night, and if one recites Surah Juma after Zohar-Asar on Friday, then the same virtue is obtained for that also.
Tafseer Nooroon Saqlainem Imam Sadiq A.S.'s hadith is copied. You A.S. formulate that it is obligatory on our Believer families that they should recite Sura Juma and Sura Ala on Friday night.
You A.S.  It is said that if a person recites Juma Tawasin Salasa (Surah Surah - Surah No. 26, Surah Namal - Surah No. 27 and Surah Qasas - Surah No. 28) then he will get a covenant with God and God will give him peace. He will remain in this world and will never be poor and in the hereafter he will be given the reward of paradise and God will please him in every way and will give him so much wealth which will be more than his wishes. I will marry him to one of the hundred beautiful eyed ladies.
Allahumm salle ala mohammadinwa wa ale mohammadin wa ajjil farjahum.